Last update: 2023-07-21
Welcome to Eva’s wonderland.
Apparently, my name is Eva, which is derived from the movie Wall-E. That’s one of my favourite movies. Except watching movies, I also like rambling around the music land. Listening to music, playing synthesizer, and singing beautiful sweet songs are all the things can bring me pure happiness.
I’ m now a senior student learning computer science and technology in HDU, where I’ve met a lot of people who are enthusiastic about coding, one of whom helps me build up this blog. People here are all very nice. I know this description is plain. But words fail me when I want to show how handy to have them be my side. I now enjoy chatting with my dear friends a lot.
The followings are just my simple wishes towards my colleague life.
Hope I can enhance both my hard skills and soft skills in HDU.
Hope everyone will create an unforgettable wonderful memory during each special period of life.
My name is Eva —— enthusiastic, brave, adorable.